Birthdate: 1/31/2020
Robin has a great little personality and is a beautiful golden daughter out of a Bizzy X Trip breeding. She loves to retrieve and is a great one to have around the house. Robin has perfect health clearances- we are devastated to lose her in our program. This last breeding cycle we attempted to breed her she developed a pyometra and had to be spayed. She is recovering beautifully, and we want to find her the very best home possible. Only the best for Robin! She's only four, and has so many grand adventures ahead to look forward to. She has a little softer personality to her which makes her more biddable and willing to work through what she is being taught. She runs hard on blind retrieves and marks. She loves to retrieve! She is a good looking smaller golden, with the sweetest temperament! Robin currently has 3 Junior hunter passes towards her junior title. Her heat cycles have made it difficult to finish out testing, but could easily finish the JH title!
Buying a trained dog is a big investment upfront, but much less than if you were to buy the puppy, and then invest in the training separately. Serious Inquiries Only Please.